Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's been a while...

Okay, so it's been about two weeks since the last time that I decided to post something on this site. Oops... I'm a little slow out of the gate at the moment. I wish that I had something huge or monumentous to post to make up for my severe dearth of posting, but alas, I do not.

There must be something that I can let you know

Oh, I've worked a whole heck of a lot at gymnastics. Yeah. I'm actually beginning to think that I live there and it's not that pleasant. Okay, it's really not that bad - I do enjoy it. The only trouble that I'm having with the job lately is the extent to which I am unable to depend on some of my counterparts. I am really hoping that will change in the next few weeks, but I guess I will have to wait and see. Then there's the sick kid problem. I have realized in the last two weeks that there is no way to avoid getting sick in the gym. I coach some of the cutest 3 & 4 year olds in the universe, but they are often crawling with germs. Yes, that's right, germs. They cough on me, snot on me, rub their dirty hands all over me, but that usually doesnt stop me from picking them up, playing with them, or smothering them with hugs. It's essentially inevitable that there would come a day when I came down with something or other, and that day is today. I'm all germy, my head is throbbing, and I couldnt sleep all night. In spite of it all, I am still looking forward to picking up and playing with as many little kiddies as I can in the next week. Oh dear, I'll never learn.

Then there's this matter of applying for Graduate studies. Woohoo. If there's something that makes me feel old and a little out of place, it's applying for Graduate studies. I am just about finished my applications, but I have no idea if I've actually applied for the right things. Maybe there's some other program out there that I really should be applying for but I just havent looked into things enough? I guess that's quite possible, but right now I am fairly content with my applications for my Masters in Physical Therapy and my Masters in Occupational Therapy. I must say that I rather despise the whole process of applying, but I perked up a little bit when I read the reference letter that one of my professors wrote for me. Wow. She made me seem incredibly intelligent and gifted, which is always a bit of a confidence booster. Now I just have to wait and see if these applications and reference letters turn into interviews and potential careers.

What else can I mention? There was the glorious day I spent snowboarding at Whistler. Oh wow was there a lot of snow. Last year the mountain looked incredibly sad - so many runs were closed and there were bare patches galore. This year, however, they had 10.5 feet of snow in the first two weeks of January and the moutain is just convered in powder. As a rather experienced border/skier, I packed more than the needed amount of clothing and other winter accessories. Rachel's friend, Tony, was a different story all together. He didn't bring snow pants or gloves or a toque. I think he figured that he could ski an entire day in jeans and oven mitts (yes, OVEN MITTS - who even thinks to bring oven mitts instead of gloves? I was thoroughly confused).

So I think this is the end of my update for now. I'm in the midst of planning an Un-Valentines formal for the Sr.Highs. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a few comments. Between Rach, Kiki and myself we should be able to create an interesting night.

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