so i wish there was something dramatic to write about the ridiculous application process that has consumed my life for the last little while, but there isn't too much news on any front. the applications for MPT and MOT have been completely received (yay!) as has my application at Qwanoes for CIT counselor this summer. i'm currently waiting to finish my application for teaching at ubc but once that is in, i hope to be able to forget about applications for a while.

so while i wait to hear from people, i try to keep myself occupied with other things. let's hope in the next week i find out if i get any interviews (for school or for camp). i really would like to find myself working at Qwanoes this summer. I'm so excited about the opportunity to work with CITs. As it stands, i love working with my senior highs. They are some of the most absolutely amazing people - i'm not exaggerating. working with a whole bunch of them all summer long would be both fun and inspiring. maybe i'll even have the opportunity to challenge & inspire them (that's my hope anyway).
well for now i wait. patience is definitely something i'm learning lately. chasing six 4 year-old boys around a gym for an hour will teach you patience pretty quickly (that's what i did this morning) so i know that my job as recreational & super star coordinator has been a good thing. let's just hope that i'm not waiting too much longer :)

1 comment:
like the q-pics. nice q-touch.
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