Thursday, February 23, 2006

shouts to my 'peeps' at work

My life at work - a shout-out to those i see all the time!

She was my little gymnastics buddy when i was 12 or so, and now we run around having boob punching wars - interesting how things change

Oh sweet Coco! Formerly a member of my momma's senior boys volleyball team and currently a member of my staff. What a wonderful creature you are!

The other half of the Recreational director position that I occupy at the gym. Jeff also does some cross-training stuff.

Oh Crick! Currently a student in my momma's Bio 12 class. I remember this kiddo from the good ol' days of gymnastics when he was knee high to a pig's eye and had the cutest blonde mushroom cut.

Oh Ray Ray! The lovely and wonderful Rachel. Best thing about working with Rachel at the gym is that by some strange twist I have been made her boss. Ha ha ha.... neither of us ever saw that one coming! Okay, maybe that's not the best part about working with her. I do also love her ya know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what up JennSaaaaaaalt
hahah those are some great pics...
*msn squiggly face?*
and also, now I need to find a picture of you and put it on my nexopia or something...