Monday, April 10, 2006

A night at The Office

So this past weekend I was officially introduced to the BBC show "The Office".

Late on Friday night, Finch, Justin, Rachel, Kiki and I got together and watched the first few episodes of this awkardly ridiculous series. However, I wouldn't say that I officially became aquainted with the series till the Sunday night showing.

After a great DSF service at church on Sunday night, and a trip to Tim Horton's (customary on a Sunday night, of course), I drove over to Finch's house to watch a few more episodes along with Gup, Rob, Dean and Paul (just a note: I think I'm quickly becoming the token girl, which is fine when the guys aren't trying to pay me to kiss Rachel. Yes, earlier in the evening I was offered a slurpee in exchange for kissing Rach. When I complained profusely the offer increased to $50. Needless to say I'm not kissing Rach anytime soon).

If you haven't seen the show, it's basically about the day-to-day life of the employees in a small town British paper production office. David Brent, the office manager, is an absolute arse. Bahh... i can't even begin to explain what he's like. He's vile, putrid & incredible proud. There were several times throughout the course of the evening that I had to hide my face in a pillow or under a blanket because I couldn't handle listening to him (he thinks he's frickin incredible, when he's really actually a giant poop or something to that extent). Anyway, the awkwardness of his character combined with the other abnormalities in the office makes for an incredible show. The guys & I became so enamoured with it that we finished watching the entire first and second season (there are only two seasons) at 4 in the morning on Monday. It truly was an interesting evening, let me tell you. We weren't really sure what was up with Dean, but over the course of the evening, he had some of the most random, yet hilarious comments. At one point he went off on a rant about dog circumcision or the lack thereof, and that was followed by a discussion of microwaving small animals.

While I could discuss both seasons of the show even further, I'll leave you with a few highlights:

Dawn, the receptionist, to the office staff about her engagement:
"He proposed on a Valentine’s day, although he didn’t do it face to face, he did it in one of the little Valentine message bits in the paper. I think he had to pay for it by the word, because it just said ‘Lee love Dawn, marriage?’ which, you know I like, because it’s not often you get something that’s both roman
tic and thrifty."

Gareth, the incredibly unsophisticated 'team leader':
"You know the phrase softly softly catchy monkey? …I could catch a monkey - if I was starving I could. I’d make poison darts out of the poison off deadly frogs. One milligram of that poison can kill a monkey. Or a man. Prick yourself, you’ll be dead within a day. Or longer. Different frogs, different times."

Tim chucks Gareth's stapler out the window after Gareth has an absolute
fit about him borrowing it:
Gareth: "What if that killed someone?"
Tim: "Well then... they'll think you're the murderer, it's got your name on it."
Gareth: "Why would a murderer put his name on a murder weapon?"
Tim: "To stop people borrowing it."

Top to Bottom: Gareth, David Brent, Tim


Kiki said...

Whoa! posty-mcposterson over here! i can't keep up! my favourite quote was definitely the one about "kill you in a day-maybe longer, different frogs different days." ooooh classic garreth, classic.

Brad said...

I remember watching much of that show in the fetal position, cringing.

I have parts 1 and 2 of the Christmas Special if you want to borrow. I don't know if they'll work on a DVD player, but they're a good follow up to the series.

Kiki said...

Post again!! Do you know how many times i have checked this today!? I need more... MORE i tell you!!

jenn said...

i definitely need the Christmas special - apparently it wraps everything up. Here comes another sleepless weekend!