Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Schools around the lower mainland have been introduced to Mr.Salt & Mrs. Salt, but a few short months from now they will officially be introduced to Ms.Salt - the younger, crazier offspring of the two aforementioned teachers. Yes, that's right, I'm going to be a teacher!!

Can I tell you how incredibly excited I am? No, I don't think I really can. Every time I think about it I just giggle and smile.

See originally UBC wasn't supposed to tell me about whether or not I was accepted into the program until "June, July or August" so I was completely shocked when I found a note from UBC telling me that I had been "unconditionally accepted into the Bachelor of Education (Middle years) program on April 28, 2006". Uhh... that's two months earlier than the earliest date that I was supposed to hear from them!

Needless to say, I am oh so incredibly thrilled and so thankful to have heard from UBC this quickly. I know that this is the job that I'm supposed to be doing - I don't know if anything has ever felt so right. I can't wait to be in a classroom full of kids! (Do you think they'll let me sing & dance around the room? Or should I save that for the second week?) Kids are my life and my passion - there's nothing that I'd rather be doing. I can't help but thank God for such an amazing opportunity.

So that's my news - this current Recreational & Super Star coodinator at Delta Gymnastics and CIT counselor at Qwanoes is using her BHK in Kinesiology to earn a BEd in Middle Years education so that she can chase kids around a classroom for the rest of her days. This Ms.Salt could not be any happier!!


Anonymous said...

Jenn I am so excited for you!! If you need anything let me know - I thought the middle years program was actually a lot of fun, and not too much work (practicum is when it gets hectic) and the kids at that age are crazy (in a good way).

Hollyy said...

Jenn! I finally made my e-mail address... and my blog!

Hollyy said...

Oh.. and Jenn... can you give me your e-mail? por favor? (please?)