Tuesday, March 29, 2005

the extinction of my upass

stupid upass! where have you gone?

at 9am this morning, as i waited for the stinkin b-line in the pouring rain, i reached into my bag to grab my stupid upass and... it was not there! it was not anywhere! thankfully, rach created a diversion (well, sort of - actually, not really at all - there was a random girl having a conversation with the bus driver man and the two of us just walked on by) and i was able to get on the bus to go to school. yippee. after a coffee, and much searching and whining this afternoon, there's still no upass to be found. what the heck? where could it be? not in my room. not in my pockets. not in my bed, my shirt, my drawers. not anywhere.

thankfully, my boyfriend comes in pretty handy in these type of situations. maybe i dont quite look like jon reimer, a third year honours history student with facial hair, but if the busmen protest i'll just say that the picture was taken during my feminist/hippie stage (and everyone knows that you dont mess with feminists).

anyway, if you see my upass, let me know. it's out there - somewhere - and i know it wants to come home to me. till then, my name is Jon - don't mess with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree with rachel, you are a nerd :)