Monday, March 28, 2005

Le premiere blog...

moi Posted by Hello


well i guess that this is officially my first post. of course, there are far too many other things that i should be doing at this moment in time (schoolwork being one of them - especially when i have a write-up due tomorrow morning that isn't close to being finished), but i heart/absolutely love to procrastinate. do you find that procrastinating generally involves cleaning? for me, when i don't want to do any work i clean and clean and clean. today, for example, i cleaned my room, the family room, the laundry room and organized the trash and some dishes. oh my. the things i do to avoid working. unfortunately, i fear that i am going to run out of things to clean this week - that's how much work i have to do. meh... oh well... i can always create other messes to clean.

as for life, it's pretty good (a little hectic, but hey, that's normal). i absolutely love easter weekend - not just the chocolate, but the whole celebration. i'd have to say that it's probably my favourite holiday of the entire year. there's just something about an easter sunday sunrise service (even at 6am with the rain pouring down) that fills me with so much joy. and hope. and purpose. wow - it's a great event, and i am so thankful that i'm able to celebrate it. of course, it's more than just the service, but the meaning behind it. "He is risen indeed!" how many times can i repeat that line? (quite thankfully, there's no limit - and it still maintains it's meaning after the 1000th repetition)

anyway, i'm not going to ramble any longer. back to my assignments. oh wait! look! something else i can clean!

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