Monday, December 12, 2005

and the blogging shall return...

and i'm back! 8.5 months later and oh so much has changed since i created this blog in a massive plot of procrastination. don't get me wrong, i'm still the queen of procrastinating (i should either be sleeping or studying right now), but i'm certainly at a different point in my life.

what's new? i'm officially a university grad now (yes, someone decided to give me a bachelors degree), i'm employed at the gym (good ol' Delta Gymnastics) while finishing off my three teaching pre-requisites, i'm living at home (the non-exciting part of this whole adventure) and i'm single! quite a few changes in three-quarters of a year, and i really can't say that they were all expected. i can't really complain though, because i haven't felt happier (or more joyful) in a long time! life is good, and i'm all about celebrating it (with a good cup of coffee in hand).

i could rant and i could rave about all of the things in my life right now, but i can't say that i'm particularly up for the challenge at this moment. i'd rather leave you with a song that i'm loving these days. don't worry, i'll be back again soon (no, not 8.5 months from now)

jeremy camp - walk by faith

will i believe you when you say
your hand will guide my every way
will i receive the words you say
every moment of every day

i will walk by faith even when i cannot see
because this broken road prepares your will for me

help me to rid my endless fears
you've been so faithful for all my years
with one breath you make me new
your grace covers all i do

i will walk by faith even when i cannot see
because this broken road prepares your will for me

well i'm broken but i still see your face
well you've spoken pouring your words of grace

i will walk by faith even when i cannot see
because this broken road prepares your will for me


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