Monday, December 12, 2005

the quintessential image...

this image is currently on my desktop. i figured i'd share it with the world because i'm quickly becoming enamoured with it. yes, that's right, i love it! why? well mainly because i took all of the photos on my way back from a trip to visit the fabulous miss jessi in victoria. i had a few minutes to kill while waiting in line for the ferry back home and so i decided to snap these. my favourite picture has to be the one of me with my feet hanging out of the window of my car with the tim hortons cup. that image is the quintessential or archetypal image of moi. not only do i love tim hortons (a large french vanilla or a double-double please) but i'm always wearing jeans, goofing around in my car (my wonderful honda civic) and staring up at the sky.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

i like it and i like you. lets be friends. i like to play...ting ting ting... nice pictures. uh so do you stuff?