Friday, December 30, 2005

the ever illusive mate

There I was, watching some good ol' TLC on tv today, when an ad for came on the screen. Normally, I wouldn't give the ad a second thought, but since I was having a rather chill day, I figured that I would actually check out the website. Now you have to understand that, after watching the movie Must Love Dogs the other day, I have a limited amount of faith in internet romance. I do, however, enjoy a good personality profile every now and then (I can't help it - I have a minor in psych), so I convinced myself to actually check the site out. I can't really tell you how long it took to fill out the entire survey (it was incredibly comprehensive), but I can tell you that I was impressed with the results. No, I don't really care about receiving matches for my new profile, but I quite enjoy what it had to say about my ideal mate. I figured I'd share that information with you.

Some of your ideal mate's strongest personality characteristics are:

    He tends to be caring compassionate and sensitive towards the needs of others.

    His friends consider him someone who can be trusted and relied upon.

    He generally does his best to be honest in all situations, even when it can be difficult.

    He has a very good sense of right and wrong, and almost always tries to be the best person he can.

Some important qualities that your ideal partner brings to the relationship are:

    He is always appreciative of the good things life has to offer.

    He avoids being pessimistic, even when problems arise.

    He is usually open-minded and flexible.

    He has an appreciation for life's amusing moments, even when they are sometimes at his own expense!

Important goals and values for your ideal mate in a relationship are:

    His religious faith is a key part of who he is.

    He needs to be able to share his spiritual beliefs with his partner.

    Personal values are important to him.

    He believes that working to make the world a better place is a "hands on" activity.


Anonymous said...

see jenn, i fit almost all of those criteria. its official we are perfect for each other. our relationship is destined to be a success, minus the part where we have to wait like 2 1/2 years utill we can start one, but after that we should be good to go. eeewwww that is kind of gross to think about. rachel seems convinced of our love, her and nina have probably already planned our wedding. atleast that part will be easy for us. anyway i will leave everyone to do the better things that they have to do rather than read my comments on jenns blog.

Anonymous said...

if you are looking for fun go to lavalife (or eharmony) and click intimate realtions (age 50-75). it can have some very iteresting results...