Friday, December 30, 2005

friends whom i love

Friends whom I love... (The Boxing Day Adventure)

Rachel & Jessi @ Tim Hortons

Moi - Apparently I am making a heart

Rachel - surprised? No one really knows what she's doing here

Doesn't it look like Clifton loves me? I don't think he's very amused.

James! He's my friend from New York. It was our two year anniversary of being friends (we met at a missions conference on boxing day 2003 in chicago).

Now on to The GREAT SHOTGUN FIGHT of 2005
Jessi, Clifton & Rachel wrestling... I document the event

Rachel gets squished, Clifton remains outside the car, Jessi forces her way in

The results are in - Jessi is the victor!

And Clifton poses in the back - better luck next time, Cliffy!


Anonymous said...

wow it looks like you all had alot of fun. too bad you didnt get to compete for shotgun, but then again you got to drive so i guess you are the real winner!

Anonymous said...

*is the king of shotgun*