Monday, December 26, 2005

your last conversation of the night...

Scene: Harry and Sally are both at home, in their own beds. Harry calls Sally late at night because he can't sleep. She's watching Casablanca on channel 11 and he turns his tv to the same channel to watch the movie with her over the phone.

Mm, last scene.
(We see them both looking at the TV, Casablanca playing)
Harry: Ooo, Ingrid Bergman, now she's low maintenance.
Sally: Low maintenance?
Harry: There are two kinds of women. High maintenance and low maintenance.
Sally: And Ingrid Bergman is low maintenance?
Harry: In LM, definitely.
Sally: Which one am I?
Harry: You're the worst kind. You're high maintenance but you think you're
low maintenance.
Sally: I don't see that.
Harry: You don't see that? Waiter, I'll begin with a house salad, but I don't
want the regular dressing. I'll have the Balsamic vinegar and oil, but on
the side. And then the Salmon with the mustard sauce, but I want the mustard
sauce, on the side. On the side is a very big thing for you.
Sally: Well I just want it the way I want it.
Harry: I know. High maintenance.
(Casablanca ends with "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful
Harry: Mmm, best last line of a movie ever.
Sally: Hmm....
Harry: I'm definitely coming down with something. Probably a twenty four hour
tumour they're going around.
Sally: You don't have a tumour.
Harry: How do you know?
Sally: If you're so worried go see a doctor.
Harry: No, he'll just tell me it's nothing.
Sally: Will you be able to sleep?
Harry: If not I'll be OK.
Sally: What will you do?
Harry: I'll stay up moan. May be I should practice now. (moans....)
Sally: Goodnight Harry.
Harry: Goodnight.
(Both hang up the phone)
(Sally's light is out)
(Harry keeps moaning... and eventually lights out)


So I fell in love with that scene again after watching the movie for yet another time (I'm now the proud owner of "When Harry Met Sally" - thank-you Christmas). The thought of a friend calling me up in the middle of the night because he/she can't sleep and watching a movie together over the phone seems incredibly realistic. Not that I can really recall it, but I do believe that it's happened to me a few times before. If not a movie it has certainly happened with some TLC home makeover show or wardrobe makeover. I must say though, it's far more romantic in the context of the movie. To have the guy that you're on the verge of falling in love with call you up in the middle of the night and spend time watching Casablanca and chatting with you is quite an incredible thought. Yes, I'm a bit of a sap, I will agree. However, I've always been a sucker for late night phone calls, so I can't say that this is anything new. There's just something about sharing that last conversation with someone right before you go to sleep. The conversation itself doesnt even have to be romantic, it's just the conversation itself.

Take this conversation with Harry and Sally, for example. Harry comments on the fact that Sally is incredibly high-maintenance (i've never heard that before!). I've always questioned what guys consider "high maintenance" but this movie defines it to a certain extent. Sally orders all of her meals with things on the side - the most complicated instructions for a chef that you've ever heard.

Now me, I'm not like that. Sure, I may not be the biggest fan of eating creatures from the sea, but in rare instances I will. Yes, I don't like to go out of the house in sweat pants, but I do make exceptions to that rule (like when i roll out of bed at 6 in the morning on my way to the pool). And okay, I do like a little bit of make-up and clothes that are cute, but I can promise you that it's really for your own benefit! I think that my title of "high-maintenance" should really be revoked in light of miss Sally Albright (though, if necessary, I will settle for "middle-maintenance" however I was given very little justification when i originally earned the title of "high-maintenance"so this whole issue is debatable!).

Anyway, the initial issue was that evening phone calls, especially the last one of the night, are a treat, even when they involve ridiculous debates. Just think about it - who would you want to spend your last conversation of the night with? would it involve a rather ridiculous debate over your level of "maintenance"? Or maybe Harry's excuse for his insomnia: "I'm definitely coming down with something. Maybe a 24 hour tumor - they're going around" ?

Regardless of the topic, the last conversation of the night holds a certain value. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's just something about sharing that last conversation right before you go to sleep...

Well, goodnight.

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