Friday, December 30, 2005

an adventure of sorts

wednesday was quite the adventure...of sorts. The morning began in a strange bed - no, not like that - i had been babysitting a puppy (ginger) and a house and stayed the night. By the time I got home it was the afternoon and a car filled with three of my friends was sitting in the driveway at my house. after a few brief moments of arguing over who got to ride where (it's a common theme with jessi, rach, clifton and i), we were off to the airport. did you happen to know that YVR has the only Harvey's in town? Cliffy was dying for a burger from Harvey's to remind him of home (the big TO) and Saranne (Rach's friend from South Africa was due to arrive at 3:25) so we headed to the aiport around one. I'd like to talk to the person who planned out the timeline for this trip. i was not aware that it took two and a half hours to drive to the airport and eat a burger. oh wait, that's right, it definitely does not.

so what was there to do in an airport for the other 2 hours (or what turned out to be 3 hours when you took the clearing customs part into account)? well, let's see. there was a lot of walking around. we walked from the domestic terminal to the international. we sat around, people watched ("there's another running kiss! look, look!") and coloured. yes, at 22 years of age we decided to make flags for Saranne out of burger king napkins and straws. then we used rachel's leatherman to makes a few other creations... oh dear. after that, it was back to the domestic terminal for slurpees, tim hortons and starbucks. then there was the waiting for saranne - but we didnt just wait, we waited with party hats on (ha ha ha.. rachel and her strange ideas). we had some random guys sing us happy birthday, and there were definitely a few weird looks, but on the whole the hats were not too badly received.

at around 4:45 we finally met saranne. she enjoyed the hats, the signs and the timbits that rach picked up and handled our crazy car ride home from the airport (with the regular argument for seating arrangements). that was followed by a spot of tea, and a good ol' movie (mr & mrs smith). saranne got sleepy and headed to bed, so we watched "Daisy Does America" (a quality show) and then chowed on some food at marios.

on the whole, it was a good day. i won't be forgetting the constant bickering between rach, jessi, clifton and i, nor the long time spent colouring on napkins or walking around in party hats. who knows if the new addition from south africa will be as crazy as the rest of us. she's off to a good start though.

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