Sunday, January 08, 2006

the happiest place on earth?

No, this post is not a reference to Disneyland, Disneyworld, EuroDisney or any theme park in the world with the name "Disney" attached to it. I would, however, be making reference to that little old place I call my work - Delta Gymnastics.

I realized today, as I stumbled into the gym coffee-mug in hand, lululemon's & assorted coaching apparel on, eyes half shut, just after the clock passed 8am, that we treat the rather large prism full of equipment as if it were one of the happiest places on earth. It's a daunting task, and I must say that after a week's worth of work it is absolutely exhausting.

Just think about it.

As a coach, you have to run around for hours on end, smiling & giggling, and attempt to corral kids of various shapes, sizes and attention deficit disorders. Not only that, but you are giving the task of convincing those very kids that they should fling their bodies in unnatural poses through the air into your waiting arms. When, on occasion, gravity prevails and their poor little bodies crash to the ground, you must be there in an instant to comfort and console, and then heartily suggest that the skill should be attempted (even if you do not believe the result will be much better).

Let me just say that at the tail end of a 40 hour work week, it is a struggle to convince myself that I can make the well-decorated gym look anything like the happiest place on earth. Now that the 40th hour has passed, however, I may once again believe in my ability to spice the place up a little, and maybe even make it enjoyable - at least a happy place on earth - though that rests on my being convinced to actually sleep (and that looks unlikely when i spend my nights filled with coffee and Pride & Prejudice)

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