Friday, January 06, 2006

a working chaos

a working chaos...

I do feel that "a working chaos" is the best way to describe life at the gym right now. It's nothing but chaotic. The phone rings at least twice every minute (I wish that I was exaggerating), kids are running around like crazy, and I'm in charge of way too much. I've been told that the first week of every session is this nuts, but I don't know if I believe it. It's a little difficult when the first week is also your first week and the person that you share your job with is away on some sort of adventure tour. I figure that Jeff owes me big time when he gets back from his excursion (which essentially means that I get to pass all of the crappy jobs on to him).

I think I'm actually beginning to hold my own though. If I can get through a Wednesday (the busiest day for recreational gym) and a Thursday that involved a large 'loving' lecture, I can get through pretty much anything. Did I mention that Wednesday began with my sleeping through the first class that I was scheduled to coach? Oops! I definitely only woke up when the gym called wondering why I wasn't there. Thankfully, they understood that things like that happen, and everyone seemed to take it all in stride (That's at least one good thing about where I work!)

Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days for me coaching-wise. Instead of hours in the office, I have hours & hours in the gym. I don't know whether that will be better or worse, but I can tell you that I'm looking forward to Sunday when I can just chill and hang out with my youth kids.

I'll stay positive about this job for a little while longer. I love working with kids, it's just the whole adjusting-to-working thing that's throwing me off a little. I miss school - I miss my independence, but I'll get that all back soon enough. Wish me luck or pray for me if you can. I can do this...

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