Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pictures to mark the new year

Okay, so these pictures are a little late, but i thought that i would share them anyway. Did we have fun? Oh you bet. Jessi, Cliffy, Rach and I always have good times... here's the proof

Fondue - yummm

Rach, Cliffy and Jessi - eating away!

Cliffy & his snazzy hair do - who cant say Happy New Year to that!

Super happy shiny people! (what was I thinking?)

Cliffy and Jessi - Sparklers and Sparkling apple cider - a fantastic combination!

Sparkler fun - what beautiful designs

And now the New Years Day fun begins... January 1st 2006 - Our Annual Polar Bear Swim
Rachel and Jessi - ready to swim

Could she be more intense?

Polar Bear Swimmers - Saranne, Jessi, Jenn, Rach

The water - how frickin cold does it look? And yes, there are white caps!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

COMMEENT!! hey that picture of jessi is hot with a capital HA! i sure think you are great, i like your blog and now you must keep me updated with everything i miss for the five days that i am gone!