Thursday, February 02, 2006 of death

Ahhh... So there's an 'email of death' sitting in my inbox right now. Why is it 'of death'? Well with all of my applications I have been asking professors to write reference letters for me. When I checked the status of my application yesterday (the day everything was due) and today, not all of my reference letters were in. In fact, I was missing a letter from Gail Wilson for both my PT and OT application. I've emailed her and last night I called her, and now there is an email reply sitting in my inbox. If I read the reply and it says that she's not going to write the letter or that she hasnt written the letter, then I'm officially screwed (i.e. I just wasted $380 on grad studies applications) because neither of my applications will go through. I've wanted God to close doors for me in all of this decision-making, but I never thought that two doors would close like this. It stinks. I at least wanted a shot at getting into OT. In the last few days, I was seriously considering choosing it over teaching. I even had to write a huge letter about why I thought I would make a good OT, and it sounded pretty convincing.

Now I'm stuck with this haunting email. Do I open it and find out the fate of my applications? I just can't do it myself. I'm waiting for someone I know to walk by the window (I'm on break at the gym right now) so that he/she can read it for me.

Ahh... why am I such a nutcase? Someone please help me read this stupid email.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

didja read it yet? i'd come read it for ya, i love being nosy and reading other's mail- not that i often can because its a federal offence... well, you can walk by my window any time