Monday, February 13, 2006

Scene: girl wiggling hips singing "what is love..." into a mossy stick

About a week ago I managed to spend a few hours chasing Kiks around Trinity with a video camera. Maybe you don't really need to know why i did this, but i think i'm going to tell you regardless of that fact (feel free to stop reading now).

So there's this Un-valentines/love-ish Senior high semi-formal coming up on friday evening that i'm essentially in charge of. When I say "in charge" I mean that i had the idea to create said formal and therefore i have taken on the responsibility of organizing it. My main problem at the moment is that i'm not quite sure what goes on at a formal - this might not be the best place to be in four days prior to its occurence. This brings me back to Kiki chasing. This curly red-haired friend of mine can be quite skilled in the art of video production (though not always so skilled as our blooper reel will reveal) and story-telling. In an effort to entertain the sr high children that i know and love, i captured Kiks and a few of her close (yet incredibly strange) friends on video in hopes of giving the younguns a wee insight into the st.valentine celebration.

was i successful in this matter? well, ultimately this can't be determined until the video has been aired in front of a live sr high audience (tune in next week for that update), but quite a few snorts and giggles later, i find myself incredibly entertained everytime i view the footage. hats of to kiks and that curly hair of hers.

p.s. happy february 13th! i'll love you just as much today as i will ultimately love you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

I'm gonna be a BIG star!