Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Indecision or Soul Decision?

Both Indecision and Soul Decision are the names of one crappity old boy band that hailed from Canada. There was a time when they were "da bomb" or "hot stuff" but now no one really knows or cares about who they are and how they're doing.

Indecision and soul decision are both apt descriptions of my life right now. I figured that mid-February would be the time when I would have finally found a bit of routine in my life. I would have adjusted to this full-time work nonsense and be looking forward to the future. Nope, apparently that's not what it going on at all. Nope, nope, nope. I'm confused right now - oh so confused. I seriously thought that I was going to be accepted as the CIT counselor at Qwanoes, but now that doesnt seem so sure. There's another candidate and apparently we're equally qualified for the job. I just finished my interview 2 minutes ago, which was a great interview, and I tried to express (as best as i could) why I feel that I would be good for the job, but now I have to wait and see. I would love to be at camp - if that's where God wants me. If it's better for me to stay home and work away at gymnastics, then I can do that instead. I just really need to know where I'm supposed to be and what i'm supposed to be doing. I have grown such a passion for working with these senior highs that i would so love to work with them this summer. Now I need to pray and wait till next friday (That's when Howard and Jim think they'll make their decision).

As for indecision, not only is my summer up in the air, but my future career is too. I havent heard back from the Rehab department at UBC yet to find out if i'll have an interview for PT or OT. I hope to hear back from them by the end of the week, but they really haven't let anyone know when they are planning to get back to the applicants. Oh deary me.

All of this indecision is difficult. I really want to be listening to where & what God wants for my life instead of pushing my way into a bunch of different situations. I'm praying that I'll be open to what he's got planned for me this summer and this September. I'm praying that I'll continue to have patience. I'm just praying...

1 comment:

Brad said...

Here's a big hug from Brad
Hang in there, Jenn