Friday, March 24, 2006


CAMP!! I can't even begin to describe how excited I am today about camp! I just can't stop thinking about it...

Cam saw me at the gym today, he has some idea of how ridiculously excited I am quickly becoming - oh wow! Then again, Cam seems to be pretty excited himself. I do remember watching him giggle relentlessly at small group on wednesday night (and yes, it was definitely giggling, not laughing). Hey Cam, where are you going to live again? "In a tent!!" (one fist punches the air) No, not a tent, under the skydeck. "A tent!" (fist punch). No, no, Cam, in the rooms under the area where you eat. "A tent!" (fist still punches). Umm... no, the lodge, Cam. "Oh...not in the tents?"

So here I am, excited, but camp is still a few months away (two months and two days from today I move in for summer!) To all my potential CITs out there, I just want you to know that I'm dying to meet all of you (though some of you I already know oh so well). I absolutely love hanging out with senior highs - it's one of my favourite things to do. There's so much that I'll be able to learn from you this summer, and hopefully a bunch that Andrew and I will be able to teach you. I'm excited to pray & study with you. I'm excited to run around camp with you. I'm excited to dance and sing at the top of my lungs with you (if you can bear it)! Pretty much, I'm just excited to be at camp with you.

So here's to July 1st, the day that the first group of you arrive, and to the months of work leading up to that point. I'm excited already, aren't you?

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