Wednesday, March 29, 2006

a spring bonus?

oh sweet mother of pearl! my first ever bonus! could this be more exciting??

oh wait... it gets more complicated than that.

so i organized the spring fever invitational for super star gymnasts at the gym. i worked my bum off, and with a lot of help from people around the gym, the meet went off without a hitch. in fact, i made a killer profit for the gym - yay! that's where the bonus comes in. after realizing how much money i was making off the meet, i joked to my bosses about taking a 10% cut. to my astonishment, what happened when my pay cheque was issued for the month - oh, i actually got that 10% cut. wow! i would never have expected that to actually happen!

so here's the hard part. all afternoon i was searching for a way to tell my boss that i'll be leaving in two months. i open up my cheque and get this wonderful surprise, but then i realize that it makes it all the more difficult to tell her that i need to quit.

money is a ridiculously complicated thing, isn't it?

i still need to quit, but i just dont know how this is going to work out now. i'm praying that i'll be able to find the words to say. that this will all go well. that i wouldnt leave anyone feeling hurt or that it wouldnt be misterable leaving to go to camp. i want to go to camp. i need to be at camp. i feel that i'm supposed to be at camp. this is just something that i need to let go of in order for it all to work out. how hard is that going to be?

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