Thursday, April 27, 2006

a day in the life...

Today wasn't anything special - just another day in the life of me. I realized, however, how ridiculously irregular my life is.

I guess the day didn't start out so irregularly. When my parents left for work, the "hounds" were released into my room. As I lay in my bed tossing and turning for the next few hours, one of the hounds lay guarding the foot of my bed, while the other was sprawled across it, taking up more room than a labrador ever should. I love my crazy puppy, even though she's overweight and sheds like none other, but I don't enjoy how every morning she lies there with her bum aimed towards my face. It's like an accident waiting to happen - and it certainly does happen. I don't know about you, but awaking every few minutes to the scent of a fresh dog fart isn't "the best part of waking up"

When I did crawl out of bed, I made my way to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee, and sat down with the morning paper. After reading a few articles, I tackled the day's sudoku. Actually, it's more like the day's sudoku tackled me. I wish I could say that I was brilliant at those things, but I'm not, I'm really not. I was able to fill in a bunch of the numbers, but I got frustrated and flipped to the section with the answers and cheated a little. After not finishing the sudoku the other morning, I just couldn't go to work without finishing the one today! Yes, it's ridiculous, but what can I say - that's just how I am.

When I finally finished, I showered, dried my hair and climbed into a wonderful pair of jean capris and my staff shirt. Now maybe that doesnt seem odd to you, but it's truly odd to me. I work at a gym and I chase little kids around all day - this isn't something that's easily done in jeans. Today, however, was Jeans Day, a fundraiser for Children's Hospital in Vancouver, and so I was able to wear my jeans all day at work. I love jeans (they're so comfy!) and the opportunity to wear them to work (especially in support of such a good cause) put a huge smile on my face. It's pretty sweet starting the day that way.

I arrived at work a little after 12:30. After a barrage of questions, I landed in a coordinators meeting and then I was swept off to coach a class with 4 four year-old boys. Oh what a class! I love boys, I do, but the combo of these four boys equals insanity. We jumped, rolled, played and tickled - and I survived the hour. Then it was back to the office to do hours of admin work. I hadn't realized how quickly I zone out until this week. I have a habit of bursting into song while I type gymnastics newsletters and fire-off random emails. Yesterday I caught myself humming one of the songs to Chicago and high-kicking across the office (did I mention it's only about 15 long and there are four desks strewn around it - it's incredibly small!). While I didn't high-kick today, I did sing my way around the office. At one point today, I kicked the door closed and actually broke the dodor in the process. Yeah, i'm a winner. It was really funny at the time - we were all laughing. I did panic, however, when the door refused to open again. Thankfully, Sharon came to my rescue and we were able to escape the office.

A 5pm coffee run (fair-trade, of course) fueled the rest of my evening. My 5:30 Super star class was phenomenal today - I love those girls. They are so silly and put up with all of my singing and dancing. I enjoyed giggling with them today. I had so much fun secretly talking to a twelve year-old girl about the obvious crush that one of the coaches has on another coach, and then trying to make the 'curl your hair, brush your teeth sign' which "obviously" means that he's crazy (i'm a little behind on the times). I love that I can coach them and feel like I'm in grade 3 again - it's so much fun being that little. Plus, these girls are getting so much stronger and their skills are truly improving (what a blessing!)

I loved walking back in the door of my house tonite and momma salt (well, it was actually my dad, but my mom called him the mom because of all the cooking he does for me) had prepared a lovely little meal for me. Yeah, I'm a spoiled little kid, but it's so nice to have a dad that cooks for me and stocks the freezer with ben & jerry's ice cream (cherry garcia - my favourite). I make fun of his motherliness, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Once I grabbed my eats, we sat and watched CSI and ER together, both of which are incredible shows (though not necessarily shows you ever want to watch while eating). When I tried to escape the family room for the night, my lovely guard dog, Murphy, just about took off my head. Yeah, he's that loving! It's okay though, cause as soon as I got upstairs, I threw myself on my parents bed. Does a normal 22 year-old do that? No, probably not, but then again I've never really considered myself normal. I still love squishing inbetween my parents and singing and making fun of them. I poke them, they poke me, and we giggle. Actually, to quote my dad, I "flopped around like a seal". Yeah, even I don't understand the things I do.

So that was my day - or a few tidbits of it anyway. Just thought i'd share.

1 comment:

Kiki said...

one note, you wear SPANDEX to work everyday. Hands down, lululemons are more comfortable than jeans. in fact, during my 12 days of exams, i wore my jeans for ten minutes before reverting to the one of two pairs of lulus that were the ONLY two pairs of pants i wore during the entire 12-period (minus on pair of canvas cargo pants with a tapered leg and elastic waistband worn for 8 hours and that will NEVER be on my body again!!)