Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Sun Run

Why do I torture myself so?

So I signed up for the Sun Run this year with the best of intentions. I was going to train hard and run well. I wanted to be fit, but also proud of my time. I wanted to dedicate many of my mornings to jogging around t-town, enjoying our "strip mall hell" (or so National Geographic calls it).

Unfortunately, more often than not, my bed called my name. Shouted my name. Screamed my name and beckoned me to crawl right back under those covers. So much for those intentions.

Running this morning was not as easy as it should have been. After parking my car, grabbing the skytrain with millions of other SunRunners, and finding Ryan Lee, we headed to the start of the Green Zone. Apparently if you're in this zone, you're supposed to be able to run 10km in 45min to an hour. Unfortunately, what felt like zillions of people decided to sign-up for this same zone, so Ryan and I were squished in with the masses. After the Fitness world warm-up (some arm flailing, or what could be done in the two millimeters of room i had) our zone waited to be called to the starting line. When the airhorn went off, we were off... and running.

I do believe that it was just after the 1km mark when I'd waved to Mark from Global tv who was reporting the morning weather, that I thought to myself "what the heck am i doing here?". Really, what was I doing? Who gives up a Sunday morning to go for a run with 50000 other people? I'm still not so sure about that one. I, however, continued to trot along, grabbing paper cup-fulls of water and listening to some good ol' bouncy christian music (stacie orrico and zoe girl are my friends when i'm running). At about the 4km mark, I wanted to die. My knee kinda felt like it was falling off, and it was incredibly hot (me and my pasty skin dont do so well in the heat), but i kept on trotting. Up and over the Burrard Street bridge. Past the brewery. Down past Granville island. Back on up to 6th ave. At the 8.5km mark, my bladder and I began to fight. I had to pee, and I was so hot, that I actually considered just letting it flow in an attempt to cool myself down (plus I was mad when a man ran behind a fence to pee and i couldnt do the same thing). I figured this was not the best of ideas, and I battled down the desert of 6th ave (scorching heat and no shade - boo) until the cambie street bridge. Up and across the bridge. Down the off ramp and a sprint to the stadium.

Aside from my legs feeling like jello at the end, and the near decision to pee myself, it was a good run. I was so thankful when I finally made my way inside BC Place and there were tables and tables covered with oranges, bagels, bananas and other snacks. I met up with RyRy, the asian sprinter (he ran in under 50min), and we explored the stadium and found strawberries, pineapple, watermelon and yummy bagels. Did I already mention how glorious that food tasted after running? Oh it was pure joy my friends!

Anyway, I guess that's the story of my run today. The lesson I learned: my legs would hurt a lot less if I actually stuck to my intentions about training. I can feel the stiffness settling in now as I type - don't laugh if you see me tomorrow (I'm doubting my ability to walk) as I might really be hobbling. I don't think I actually stretched after the run - I was too busy stuffing my face with free oranges (hey, it's free, wouldn't you?) - and I'm actually beginning to regret that. Oh well, I'll just have to peel myself out of bed in the morning and hop into a warm shower.

For as much as I complained in these last few paragraphs, I did really enjoy today. I feel good in spite of the aching muscles or maybe even because of the aching muscles (it's so good to know that i actually used them!). I've already started planning for next year - Nina and I will take everyone on!

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