Wednesday, April 12, 2006

you said post, so i'm posting

the easter production is currently consuming my life, but i think i'm okay with that. who can really argue with nights filled with jewish hip-hop and wedding music? unfortunately today i had to fight the tunic dilemma.

Tunic dilemma? What's that about, you ask? Well let's see here. I choreographed two dances for 11 senior high kids (i'm beginning to rival Paula Abdul, if I might say so myself - she did great work for Janet Jackson in the early 90s) and when it comes to dress rehearsal night, there is absolutely no dress for them to rehearse in (or Tunic, as the case may be). There I am, 30 minutes before the rehearsal, scrambling to make calls about multi-coloured spandex and scarves. Who makes one call about multi-coloured spandex, let alone 10! The ladies & men in the office with me at the time were howling - it didnt make it much easier to call & request spandex.

So with bags of spandex the kids and I show up to the dress rehearsal. The original thought is to wear the spandex on the bottom and a waist or mid-thigh length tunic with a sash thingy over top. Fair enough. I tried to argue that the newer generation of Jews (i.e. after 40 a.d.) probably didnt ever wear multi-coloured spandex and an over-sized tunic, but that argument fell on deaf ears. In the end, we're left to basically work out our own outfits - tunics and loose spandex capris (gouchos) - and to arrange them in a "hip, jewish-like fashion". I had to work hard to stifle my laughter at the time, but thankfully no one is around to hear me now.

Anyway, if you're in town, you really need to come and check this production out - it's quite the affair. I'm excited to see the reaction of the crowd as my kids jump through the air, swing dance, prance, do the sprinkler and high-kick. Hopefully no grandma in the audience takes a high-kick to the head - this play could be deadly! I really wish I was kidding, but I'm not. The best rehearsal moment so far was when Cotter's mom, Bonnie, pulled him aside and uttered, "Now honey, is there anyway that you can make it less obvious that you don't have a clue what you're doing?" So if you're not thinking of coming, come anyway, it's worth watching Cotter get lost in a sea of dance moves.


Kiki said...

spandex leggings are back in like nobody's business, i see it all over campus- because trinity is a bastion of haute couture.

Anonymous said...

I agree with kiks! Spandex is the hot. I honestly can't remember the last time I wore real pants. Yay for spandex!

*Tara* said...

The loose spandex is all fine with me, but the TUNICS?? Oh dear dear dear...
