Tuesday, January 31, 2006

my resolve

i have officially reached a resolve. i don't know why i needed to reach one, or how i can possibly consider attaining its standards, but a resolve has been decided upon. as a kinesiologist i know too much about CHD and CVD to validate or excuse my rather sloth-like behavior. well maybe i have not quite obtained the animalistic behavior (or lack thereof) but the actions i have been performing lately are seemingly not as physically demanding as they once were. somehow i have come to the conclusion that drastic action is required, and that drastic action involves a plethora of human torture on my part.

step one: register for the vancouver sun run
- this step is not so torturous, and has actually already been completed. i have entered as a member of the delta secondary school team because of the volunteer work i do there, and if you are interested in accompanying me in my jaunt around the downtown core of the city on april 23rd please let me know. if you join my team, you only have to pay 22$ (not a bad deal!)

step two: run my heart out
- yet to be begun or completed. my initial thought was that i would train for my run with the training outlined in the vancouver sun every monday. i have yet to do this and i don't know whether i actually will. i guess now that it's part of my official "resolve" i have little choice in the matter. it sucks to be me - why do i torture myself so?

step three: abdominal & tricep/pectoral torture
- yet to be begun. the goal here is to complete 500 push-ups and 500 crunches per day. this really is not an incredibly arduous task, but i do not dare say that i find it delightful or interesting.

unofficially i would like nothing more than to say "boooo" to my stinkin resolve, however, i secretly long for the level of fitness it will return to my aging body and the effect it will have on diminishing my risk of CHD, CVD, diabetes II and many other diseases (plus i wont feel nearly as guilty eating a tub of ben & jerry's - healthy eating has not yet been added to my resolve!)


Anonymous said...



jenn said...

says the girl who goes biking all the time and does tons of other stuff

plus you're the one who commented on my blog at 7 in the morning - now that's insane!

Brad said...

Step 3 is insane! Don't do it - I'll feel ever so inferior. A guy I work with did 400 sit-ups/crunches/bicycle kicks one morning before work and ended up with abs that were actually inflamed. They felt huge, though.