Monday, April 17, 2006

a chilly morning & and an evening feast

Cue Cotter, Cam and the "senior high band" - this song is glorious when sung in six-part harmony in the finale of the easter production, but it's even more entertaining when performed by Cotter, Cam & the gang over the course of the easter feast.

Here are the lyrics, feel free to sing along....

Arise, My Love

Not a word was heard
at the tomb that day.
Just shuffling of soldiers feet
as they guarded the grave.
One day, two days,

three days had past.
Could it be that Jesus

breathed His last?

Could it be that His Father
had forsaken him?

Turned his back on his son
despising our sin.
All hell seemed to whisper

'Just forget Him, He's dead.'
Then the Father looked down
to his son and he said…

Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.
The grave no longer

has a hold on you
No more death's sting

No more suffering love.

The Earth trembled
and the tomb began to shake,
and like lightening
from Heaven the stone was rolled away.
And as dead man

the guards they all stood there in fright
As the power of love
displayed its might
Then suddenly a melody

filled the air
Riding wings of wind,
it was everywhere

The words all creation
had been longing to hear
The sweet sound of victory,
so loud and clear.

Arise, my love.

Arise, my love.
The grave no longer has a hold on you.

No more death's sting
no more suffering


Sin, where are your shackles?
Death, where is your sting?
Hell; has been defeated.
The grave could not hold the king.

Arise, My love.
Arise, My love.

The grave no longer
has a hold on you
No more death's sting

No more suffering

So maybe by now you've realized how much I love easter. I'm ready to officially classify easter as my favourite celebration of the entire year. I mean, how could I not? What other holiday includes dancing, feasts, early mornings in the freezing cold cuddling a mug of coffee (Centennial beach sonrise service - 6:30am Easter Sunday), belting out tunes such as "Arise, my love" and "Friend of God" (ha ha... today's accompanying actions were splendid! I could not have been more excited to sing that song), hunting for easter baskets in the garden (thanks Ash & Alannah) and awesome teaching. Yeah, I would have to say that it's been an incredible weekend! I've been able to spend so much time with my friends and my senior highs - wow!

Ryan Lee - all cuddled in a sleeping bag

Jenn & Nina - they wish they were hot!
Singing at the beach - He is risen indeed!

The senior high easter feast was amazing tonite! I haven't seen so much food in a long time, nor have I had to lie on the floor attempting to digest for what seemed like hours on end (more like minutes, but who's counting?) There was turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, 2 salads, corn, peas, buns, cranberry sauce... oh so much food. On top of that, there were a pile of desserts (yes Cam, the wacky cake was good). Then the dancing, hunting and animal kingdom playing ensued... All I can do is smile.

Food, glorious food!

Cam and Erin - posing?

Erin & Hannah - eating their just desserts

Brett - what's that about?

Lisa smiling


jenn said...

"Hello friend!" ~ Grant Fred

Kiki said...

"i am a friend of God... i am a friend of God.... he calls me frieeeeeeennnnnd!"
best part BY FAR was the pyscadelic atomic explosions behind the words- and people thing church media is lame!